Sponsorship Categories


40.000 USD

40.000.000 AKZ


30.000 USD

30.000.000 AKZ


20.000 USD

20.000.000 AKZ


10.000 USD

10.000.000 AKZ


5.000 USD

5.000.000 AKZ

Institutional presentation of the company

At the opening in a 5-minute video or 10-minute message

At the opening in a 1-minute video or 5-minute message

On the 2nd day in a 30-second video

On the 2nd day in a 30-second video

On the 3rd day in a 30-second video

Roll-up company brand

Exposure in entrance, room, and event spaces

Display room and exhibition area

Exposure room

Display exhibition space

Display exhibition space

Tickets to the event

25 employees and customers of the company (Commercials included).

20 employees and customers of the company (Commercials included).

14 (company employees and customers)

10 (company employees and customers)

5 tickets to the event

Mention the company at the gala dinner check check check check check
Coffee Breaks & Lunch check check check check check
Presentation in plenary session check check check close close

In 3x6 space (stand and decoration under the responsibility of the company)

In 3x3 space (stand and decoration under the responsibility of the company)

In 3x3 space (stand and decoration under the responsibility of the company)

Counter display (decoration under the responsibility of the company)

Counter display (decoration under the responsibility of the company)

Organization of meetups and meetings during the event

Priority in organizing (B2B agenda)

Priority in organizing (B2B agenda)

Organization of meetings during the event

Organization of meetings during the event

Speech on the gala dinner agenda

5 minutes

3 minutes

30 seconds video

close close
Gala Dinner Attendees






Luanda Tour Attendees








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It is the state-owned company in the oil sector dedicated to the exploration of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons in the subsoil and on the continental shelf of Angola and responsible for the exploration, production, manufacture, transport and marketing of hydrocarbons in Angola.
We operate in an efficient, safe, transparent manner and are committed to environmental protection, with the aim of promoting the harmonious development of the country and reinforcing the sustainable use of national hydrocarbon resources.

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We pay particular attention to efficiency and personalization in our approach to the market, and we work to become indispensable partners for your business.
We are committed to serving the needs of the Individuals segment, we offer innovative solutions designed to support SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Companies) and we are an unavoidable reference among the largest business groups in the country.

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Dar is one of the world’s leading consultancies, providing design, planning, engineering, sustainability consulting, digital solutions and services, and project management for buildings, cities, transportation, civil infrastructure, water and the environment.
We are a global community of talented and innovative engineers, planners, economists, architects, sustainability specialists, digital experts, designers, project management specialists, construction management professionals, and multidisciplinary experts. Together, we take on the world’s most exciting and ambitious projects in order to nurture sustainable development, empower and connect communities, create more and better opportunities, and enhance lives.

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The OET - Order of Technical Engineers, a professional association under public law, has its statute published in Law No. 70/2023, of December 12th.
Technical Engineers are qualified professionals with an academic degree resulting from a 1st cycle and 2nd cycle higher education course in Engineering (Bachelors, pre-Bologna graduates, post-Bologna graduates, pre-Bologna Masters, post-Bologna Masters and Doctors), or equivalent training, who practice the profession of technical engineer.

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We are Angola's national airline and the gateway to Africa. Our experience and long-standing team promise quality, reliability and care.
With 85 years of history, TAAG is a company that is proud of its past and works daily to ensure a bright future.

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The main purpose of the National Electricity Transmission Network is the transport of electrical energy through the operation of the National Transmission Network, which comprises the Very High Voltage network (MAT), the interconnection network, national dispatch facilities and assets and related rights, in parallel with the function of market operator (single buyer), under the terms of the concession of the general electricity law and its regulations.

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A global mining company, based on human value, boosting prosperity and conscious social and environmental responsibility.
We transform production into economic and social development, focusing on healthy economic prosperity, and differentiation through progress.
Our open relationship with local populations and entities allows us to develop a healthy social relationship, based on the construction of common paths for local appreciation.

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With the purpose of participating in the reconstruction and growth of Angola, we began our Concrete prefabrication activity in 2005.
Together, over the years, we have developed prefabricated product solutions for the Angolan nation's dream works and projects.
With a wide range of products, we are present in Angola with prefabricated concrete products ranging from your house to the most emblematic works in the country.

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It is under immutable principles that the Ramos Ferreira Group is built. Innovation, integrity, continuous improvement, competence and family are the values ​​incorporated into this business organization by human capital that preserves the concept of family.
This heritage is associated with management focused on customers and employees, permanent technological updating, the pursuit of excellence in all fields of intervention.
This is our engineering of success, an act of creating the future.

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